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Chinese title, English title, author, the affiliation and address of the first author, journal title, publication year, volume, issue, page, publication type, check tag, history of medicine, grant type, subject headings, classification code, language, Chi

Chinese telecoms gear makers have made strides in past years into more mature markets. 这表明中国主要的电信设备生产商在成熟的市场迈进了一大步。
Chinese television began airing a series of programmes aimed at boosting the reputation of the country's manufactured products following a spate of safety concerns. 中国的电视台开始播放一系列节目,目的是为了在发生大批产品安全问题后改善该国产品的形象。
Chinese tendering process for steam turbines and turbo generator. 了解中国汽轮发电机组市场投标过程。
Chinese textile exports have boomed since a global quota system was scrapped in January. 自从全球配额制于一月取消之后,中国纺织品外销量即大幅激增。
Chinese theatrical circles adapting Shakespeare's drama for stage play and traditional opera has made a contribution to the popularization of Shakespeare's drama. 摘要中国戏剧界利用莎剧故事改编成话剧和戏曲上演,为普及莎士比亚戏剧作出了贡献。
Chinese title, English title, author, the affiliation and address of the first author, journal title, publication year, volume, issue, page, publication type, check tag, history of medicine, grant type, subject headings, classification code, language, Chi 中文文题、英文文题、作者、第一作者单位、第一作者所在地、期刊名称、出版年、卷、期、页码、文献类型、特征词、医学史、资助类型、主题词、关键词、分类号、语种、中文文摘、英文文摘、动物品种、剂型、中药药理、西药药理、疾病名称、诊断标准、疾病机理、试验方法、疾病治疗、药名方名、化学药名、英文药名、组成剂量、药物配伍、用法用量、针推穴位、针推方法、不良反应、疗效指标、疗效结果、药材学、化学结构、理化性质、有效成分、中药鉴定、炮制方法、制药工艺、药物作用与药理效用、药代动力学、毒理学。
Chinese tourists are given warning, before leaving, to avoid commenting on North Korean politics and to be careful where they point their cameras. 中国游客在离开之前被给与了警告,要避免评论朝鲜的政治和小心哪里可以按下自己的相机的快门。
Chinese tourists can now travel to Brazil without having to request a special visa, Brazil's tourism minister, Walfrido dos Mares Guia, told the magazine. 巴西旅游部长沃尔弗里多?马勒斯告诉杂志,目前中国游客赴巴旅游不再需要特别签证。
Chinese tourists rest at a lookout point next to a toilet at the Great Wall of China at Badaling, north of Beijing. 在北京北方的八达岭长城,一群中国观光客于厕所旁的了望台休息。
Chinese tradition says fireworks frighten evil spirits, drive away bad luck and attract the god of wealth. 中国传统认为烟花爆竹能避灾驱邪、招财进宝。
Chinese traditional Chinese Painting house association director, association of Sichuan Province artist member, expert of calligraphy and painting of Sichuan great wave international member , association of artistic exchange ,, association's advisor of So 中国国画家协会理事,四川省美术家协会会员,四川涛书画家国际艺术交流协会会员,西南交通大学书画协会顾问,山东荷泽文博书画院高级画师,成都堂湖国院副秘书长,南京徐悲鸿画院特聘画师,擅写意花鸟画,兼攻山水及书法,作品多次参加国内外展览并有获奖。

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