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The results of a nested-case control study suggest that the use of certain types of hormonal contraceptives during the 5 years leading up to a pregnancy may be associated with the risk of developing gestational diabetes.

The results of GSS show nearly 10% residents living in cities and towns have not registered for the permanent residence, approximately 15% are mobile population, and nearly 20% don't live in the registered places. 摘要全国综合社会调查(GSS)结果显示,在城镇生活的居民有近10%的人不具有城镇常住户口,15%左右的流动人口,近20%的人有人户分离现象。
The results of a Gallup poll showed that 94.9 percent of Beijing's residents supported the city's Olympic bid. 一项盖洛普民意调查的结果表明,有94.9%的北京市民支持北京申奥。
The results of a compliance audit are generally reported to someone within the organizational unit being audited rather than to a broad spectrum of users. 其结果通常被汇报给被审计的组织单位里的某个人,而不是大多数用户。
The results of a growing number of studies suggest that even a modest vitamin shortfall can be harmful to your health;although proof of the benefits of multivitamins is still far from certain,the few dollars you spend on them is probably a good investment 越来越多的研究结果表示,哪怕轻微的维他命缺乏也会对身体不利;尽管多吃维生素是否有利于身体还没有被确凿的证据证明,但是花几个美元来购买也许是对身体不错的投资。
The results of a nationwide survey, released yesterday by the Ministry of Public Security, show that there are some 92.8 million Wangs in China, about 7.25 percent of the population, making it the nation's most popular. 公安部昨天公布的一项全国性的调查结果显示,王姓是我国第一大姓,约有9280万人,占全国总人口的7.25%。
The results of a nested-case control study suggest that the use of certain types of hormonal contraceptives during the 5 years leading up to a pregnancy may be associated with the risk of developing gestational diabetes. 重叠病例对照研究结果显示孕前5年内使用某种类型的激素避孕方法可能与发生妊娠糖尿病风险相关。
The results of a recent Swedish study also found no link between cell phone use and brain tumors. 瑞典的最新的研究结果也发现手机和脑瘤没有联系。
The results of actual runs show the effectiveness. 运行结果表明,该方法是有效的。
The results of an etiological analysis on predisposing factors of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in 72 in-patients with regard to age, service, educational stratification, personality, distribution of work and leisure ,life style ,diseased condition and 通过对72例住院原发性肝癌病例与病因相关因素的调查分析,从年龄、职业、文化层次、性格、劳逸、生活习惯以及发病前病程、治疗等综合资料表明:肝癌流行程度与发病年龄呈反比,发病趋于年轻;男性发病率高于女性;具有一定学历干部的发病率大于农民;喜食咸热或带刺激性食品对本病恢复不利;患肝炎后,吸烟喝酒多、应酬多、得不到充分休息睡眠、未及时治疗和性格内向偏执的病人其肝癌的发病率也偏高。
The results of analysis of correlation and variance show that the florescence prolongs with raising elevation, but numbers of microstrobil per short shoot(sh.sh.) decrease evidently. 相关分析和方差分析结果表明,随海拔高度的增加,花期逐渐延长,但小孢子叶球数/短枝下降。
The results of analysis show that the shock detached distance computed by two temperature model or three temperature compare well with the experiment data, and the heat transfer rate is highest for one temperature model with non-catalytic wall, and lowest 结果表明:采用两温度(或三温度)非平衡气体模型计算的激波脱体距离更接近实验情况;采用平衡气体模型计算的壁面热流最高,一温度非平衡气体模型完全非催化的壁面热流最低,而完全气体模型的壁面热流在两者之间。

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