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All above is only for reference and shall not be deemed as inspection standard.

All above bearings are to be replaced with one way clutch bearings. 需要将上述型号的轴承改成一边离合器的轴承,如有工厂能生产,请与我联系。
All above check-in schedule is for reference only and subject to change without prior notice. Passenger should follow the information indicated on the CRUISE FERRIES CONFIRMATION SLIP. 以上之时间表只供参考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。乘客应依照『邮轮客运订位确认单』上指定之时间办理登船手续。
All above check-in schedule is for reference only and subject to change without prior notice. Passenger should follow the information indicated on the STAR CRUISES CONFIRMATION SLIP. 以上之时间表只供参考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。乘客应依照『丽星邮轮订位确认单』上指定之时间办理登船手续。
All above ground and basement should has area for show-off effect which is design to have long span and high ceiling (around 3700 m2, height 8 m -- 20 m. 所有的地上、地下区域中因展示效果的需要设置挑高跨层大空间(约3700平米,高度在8米~20米不等)。
All above is choice: Black Pepper juice , Onion juice , Hyssop juice , Garlic juice. 以上扒类可选择:黑椒汁、洋葱汁、香草汁、蒜茸汁。
All above is only for reference and shall not be deemed as inspection standard. 以上数据仅供参考,不作验收标准用。
All above product names and trademarks are of respective owners. 本网站的内容中所提的公司、产品均分属各公司的商标或注册商标。
All above results show that the reaction experiences the six-member ring transition state with two-step path. 这表明该反应主要经历六元环过渡态的两步反应历程。
All accounting courses taught at UCCB serve as exemptions to course requirements for the Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA) programs. 好友在加拿大读书,要学会计,需要一些中文教材以助于理解。哪些会计专业的师哥师姐有这些书要买的话,请给我留言啊。多谢了!
All across the idiot nation. 全国白痴民族.
All across the land, dawns a brand new morn. 五湖四海都在迎接这个崭新的黎明。

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