A great many of animals have been abandoned. Is family adoption a good idea?
大量的动物被遗弃了,家庭收养是好办法吗? |
A great many problems have arisen.
已经出现了许多问题。 |
A great many spokesmen are against this overture sharply.
大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。 |
A great many stars were shining in the indigo blue sky.
繁星在靛蓝色的天空闪烁着。 |
A great many workers went on stride last week .
上周许多工人举行了罢工。 |
A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing the anxiety.
如果我们了解到,造成焦虑的事件是多么微不足道的话,就可以减少很多焦虑。 |
A great mass of rock had fallen from the cliff and now blocked the road.
一大堆岩石从悬崖上掉了下来,堵塞了道路。 |
A great mass of water inundated/overwhelmed the village.
大水淹没了这个村庄。 |
A great misfortune befell him.
一场大难降临到他的头上. |
A great multi-purpose brush, ideal for dusting Shimmer Brick Compact on cheekbones for a natural-looking, shimmery glow. Can also be used with Sheer Finish Powder, Blush, or Bronzing Powder.
沾取所选择的产品(珍珠光泽颜彩盘、腮红饼、蜜粉、修容饼),轻撢多馀的粉末,轻扫于所欲上色的部位。多用途的实用设计,可当成蜜粉或腮红刷使用。 |
A great number of fossils of dinosaurs' eggs (quantitatively the second nationwide) and skeletons were excavated, thus called the native place of dinosaurs.
河源出工大量恐龙蛋化石(总量居全国第二)和骨骼化石,被称为“恐龙的故乡”。 |