With enough good sense and goodwill, you and I can fix Medicare and Medicaid -- and save Social Security. (Applause.
在判断力和良好愿望的引导下,你们和我可以修复医疗保险和补助系统,并拯救社会保障系统。 |
With enough merchants you can wage economic warfare to really deprive your enemies.
因此,你可以借助大量商人进行贸易战,从经济上拖垮你的对手。 |
With enough training, any Monk can remove impurities from their body, to include alcohol.
通过足够的训练,武僧可以把杂质派出体外,也包括酒精。 |
With enriched ethical connotation, the scientific development outlook includes the following four aspects: firstly, it makes the people-oriented concept clear and affirms the human's subject role, goal and position in the social and historical development
摘要科学发展观具有十分浓厚的伦理意蕴,主要表现为四个方面:(一)彰显以人为本理念,这是一种对人在社会历史发展中的主体作用和目的地位的肯定;(二)坚持以满足社会成员基本的社会公正要求为基本价值取向,通过一系列制度安排凸显公平正义的伦理精神;(三)充分尊重个体主体价值,促进每个人的潜能的充分发挥,尊重每个人的合法权利;(四)凸显可持续发展伦理:它要求以人所特有的道德自觉态度协调人与自然的关系,促进人与自然的和谐。 |
With entire layout, reasonable arrangement, decent and elegant architectural design, first-rate comprehensive service notion, newly management model and the countrywide influence is the classic work made by the square which is only and unique professional
该项目整体的规划、合理的布局、大气典雅的建筑设计、一流的综合服务理念、全新的经营管理模式、辐射全国的影响力相结合是郑州(中国)调味厨具商贸广场的经典之作,是不可多得、不可复制的专业市场。 |
With equa1 passion I have sought knowledge.
以同样的激情我探索知识。 |
With esperience, and with inproved apparatus,it is now possible not only locating a shoal but to tell if it is herring cool or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.
根据经验以及先进的设备,现在不仅能判断鱼群的位置,还可以通过回声的种类来判断是青鱼还是其他著名鱼种。 |
With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later, the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained.
再估计出这个新的单输入多输出系统的传递函数,最后得到原单输入单输出系统的模型参数。 |
With evaluating the security of the power house structure based on the test result, this article analyses the possibility of the hydropower plant with increment of capacity of original units, and puts forward corresponding research method and result.
根据测试结果对厂房结构的安全性进行了评估,探讨了在电站原有机组的基础上进行增容的可行性,并提出了相应的研究方法和结果。 |
With every advantage of lungs and elocution, the effect is singularly vapid.
然而,扯着嗓子、抑扬顿挫地朗诵,其结果却是令听者兴味索然。 |
With every escalation of tension in U.S.-Soviet relations, Soviet doubts mounted as to whether Finland was drawing too closely to the West, prompting increased pressure to keep it in place; whereas the West tended to look upon Findland as a mere Soviet pa
每次美苏关系一紧张,苏联就会怀疑芬兰与西方世界走得太近,而欲加深对芬兰的控制,而西方世界则认为芬兰是苏联的马前卒,在心态上始终提防。 |