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A strong, colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries or aromatics such as anise, caraway seeds, or angelica root as flavoring.

A strong sun light was burning my skin of neck and heating my body to hot as well. 强烈的阳光烤得我的脖子热辣辣的,身上很热。
A strong synergistic effect was observed while using both furfural and sexamethyl-tetra-amine as inhibitors. 通过研究找到了糠醛在碳钢上的吸附等温式,计算出碳钢溶解的表观活化能,研究了糠醛在碳钢上的吸附机理。
A strong will: You will bear many hardships, but do not dwell on them. 强烈的意志:你将忍受许多艰难,当不要为他们踌躇.
A strong wind suddenly blew his wig off. 突然一阵强风吹走了他的假发。
A strong work ethic, the ability to work independently. 具有良好职业道德品质,独立工作能力强。
A strong, colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries or aromatics such as anise, caraway seeds, or angelica root as flavoring. 姜酒,金酒:一种无色烈性酒,由黑麦或其它谷类经蒸馏或再蒸馏之后加入杜松子或大茴香、葛缕子籽或当归根等香料制成。
A strong, pressurized, steam-heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, or cooking. 高压灭菌器,高压锅一种用于实验室实验、灭菌或烧煮的高压加热蒸气作用的容器
A strong, stocky horse. 强壮、结实的马
A stronger Chinese currency would not much reduce America's trade deficit. 中国坚挺的货币并不会减少美国的贸易赤字。
A stronger exchange rate would boost consumers' purchasing power, allowing them to buy more foreign goods. 坚挺的汇率将增加消费者的购买力,使他们能够购买更多的外国商品。
A stronger trend to economic releases helped sentiment as they suggested a more robust outlook for the economy, without being strong enough to rekindle fears that the Federal Reserve could increase interest rates in the New Year. 经济数据转强的趋势提升了市场情绪,因为这意味着经济前景变得强劲,不过还没强到让市场担心美联储可能在2007年加息的地步。

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