Obviously, it's not as fast as the GPU.
很明显,这样做它没有图形处理器来得快。 |
Obviously, many departments of the Applied Science are the practice stretch of the pure theory and the experimental work.
十分明显,应用科学的许多部门都是纯理论工作和实验工作的实际延伸。 |
Obviously, modern city didn't plan for the benefit of residents.
显然,现代化的城市不是为居民的利益而规划的。 |
Obviously, most of the music they play is the Celtic folk music from their own country: Asturies.
当然,他们所演奏的主要是来自于他们自己国家——阿斯图里亚斯的凯尔特民乐。 |
Obviously, natural soil fertility conditions affect the yield potential but in general, well drained soils with medium to high fertility have the potential to produce high yields.
显然,自然土壤肥力状况影响产量潜势,排水良好的中上等肥力土壤最能获得高产。 |
Obviously, no government can bind its successors.
明显地,没有一个政府可以强迫其继承者。 |
Obviously, putting all the money in one company won't work, because the probability of success is only 40 percent.
显然你不应该将所有鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,毕竟成功的机会只有40%。 |
Obviously, she needs help.
她显然需要帮助。 |
Obviously, the best way to progress is through the honor system or arena system.
很明显,最佳的解决办法就是通过荣誉系统或者竞技场系统。 |
Obviously, the context will determine both the extent and nature of the preparatory work required.
很明显的,上下文的联系需要范围和原本意义的提前准备工作。 |
Obviously, the crimp geometry in staple fiber brings about a spatial hindrance that works against fiber packing during the needing process.
显然,短纤维上卷曲几何形状在针刺过程中对纤维压缩密集,在空间上受到限制。 |