An adder attacked my father.
一条小毒蛇攻击了我父亲。 |
An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug.
上瘾上瘾,特别是对毒品上瘾 |
An addictive drug that 90% of Americans consume every day, caffeine prevents us from getting our ZZZZs by increasing nerve activity in our bodies-keeping us alert and hyperactive.
咖啡可以让人保持清醒,达到一个兴奋状态,这都要归结于它内含的咖啡因。那么咖啡因是如何作用我们的神经,让我们保持兴奋的呢? |
An addition to capital investments or stock from profits.
资本投资的收益或股分增值。 |
An additional 110,000 deaths could be attributed to indoor air pollution caused by poorly ventilated coal and wood stoves or toxic fumes from shoddy construction materials, said a person involved in that study.
另外有十一万人死于室内空气中毒,来源于没有良好通风的煤炉或者烧木材的炉子,以及有毒的建筑材料。 |
An additional 28% were rated average.
另百分之二十八属于普通水平。 |
An additional charge is made for heavy bags.
重的提袋另需加费用。 |
An additional check can be made by removing the enclosure cover and momentarily placing a jumper (or 20,000 ohm resistor) across terminals 9-10 on the control.
通过拆卸外壳盖板,并立即将跨接线(或20,000欧姆电阻)并联在控制装置的接线端子9-10上,能够再次进行测试。 |
An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.
副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联 |
An additional dose of calcium before bed will suffice and help prevent cramps.
每晚睡前一片钙片就足以避免休息抽筋了。 |
An additional eight medium-sized new casinos and eight large ones will also receive licences.
此外还将发放8张中型赌场和8张大型赌场的牌照。 |