During World War II, the Nazi army aggressed upon many countries.
在第二次世界大战期间,纳粹军队侵略了很多国家。 |
During World War II, when Hitler's fanaticism required his countrymen to take the lives of innocent people, many quietly resisted and lost their lives as well.
在第二次世界大战种,当希特勒的法西斯注意要求他的国人杀死无辜的人时,许多平静的抵制的人同样也丢掉了他们的生命。 |
During World War II, when London was bombed, many underground stations functioned as bomb shelters.
第二次世界大战期间,当伦敦被轰炸时,许多地铁站成了防空洞。 |
During World War II, I found that my wedding ring was being destroyed through the use of my GI trenching shovel, so I took the ring off and placed it on my dog-tag chain.
二战期间,我发现我的结婚戒指在使用战壕铲时给弄坏了,于是我将戒指取下来挂在身份牌的链子上。 |
During World War Ⅱ, as a result of misgivings about Germany taking the lead in possessing nuclear weapons, the United Kingdom and United States cooperated in nuclear testing and research, and finally succeeded in turning out the first atomic bomb.
摘要第二次世界大战中,英美两国出于对德国抢先拥有原子弹的担心,在核领域开展合作,并在战争结束前获得成功。 |
During Yuan Dynasty to early Ming Dynasty, the government forbade silver as currency by introduction and promotion of paper currency.
摘要元代至明初,朝廷明令推行纸币,禁止白银作为货币流通。 |
During a 30 year business career in the retail, manufacturing, and distribution sectors, he accumulated a wealth of knowledge in strategic business development internationally, and became determined to teach, cajole, and persuade business entrepreneurs th
郝杰夫先生在长达30年职业生涯中,涉及过零售业、制造业、和分销业,在商业策略的国际性发展方面,积累了丰富的知识,从而使他决心把商业规划的精髓和个人技能的最大化传授给企业家作为自己的追求。 |
During a 38° degree afternoon in a little field close to a traffic light in sāo Paulo there are a bunch of 50 year old factory workers who play football during their lunch break.
38度的下午,圣保罗市交通灯附近的狭小场地上,一簇50岁上下的工人正利用午餐时间在踢球。 |
During a Congressional hearing on the matter in May, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld took full responsibility for what happened at Abu Ghraib, but rejected calls from some in Washington for him to resign.
在5月份的国会听证会上,国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德表示承担这起虐待事件的所有责任,但拒绝华盛顿一些人要他辞职的要求。 |
During a Dragons' assault, Helebore was crushed to death under huge stone blocks which had fallen off the wall under construction.
巨龙进攻斯间,赫勒伯里粉身碎骨在城墙倒塌的乱石堆里。 |
During a bullfight , a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.
在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然踉踉跄跄地闯到斗牛场中间。 |