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Pentanucleotide repeat polymorphism in 5 control region of apo(a) gene among myocardial infarction patients and their siblings;

Survey of megluming cyclic adenylate in preventing of cardiovascular stress reaction of endotracheal intubation; 心先安预防气管内插管时心血管应激反应的观察
Study on Extraction Technology of Water-soluble Active Principles of Salvia miltiorrhiza in Xinshu Dripping Pills; 心舒滴丸中丹参水溶性成分提取工艺研究
Study on Anti-irritability in mice and protective effect of xinmaitong granule against cerebral ischemia and anoxia; 心脉通冲剂抗应激性及对脑缺血作用的实验研究
There are always two approaches of psychology: nature science and human science. 心理学中一直存在自然科学和人文科学两种研究取向,前者是主流,后者是非主流。
Desert and controlling of aeolian disaster in Xinjiang.; 新疆沙漠与风沙灾害治理研究
Pentanucleotide repeat polymorphism in 5 control region of apo(a) gene among myocardial infarction patients and their siblings; 心肌梗死患者及同胞载脂蛋白(a)基因5’端多态性的研究
Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy for advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC); 新辅助化疗联合放疗治疗中晚期鼻咽癌的疗效观察
Technology of planting pattern of small watermelon plus super hybrid rice with high efficiency and yield; 小西瓜+超级杂交稻高产高效种植模式及技术
The clinical application of low dose propofol and katamine by intravenous anesthesia in burn operation; 小剂量异丙酚与氯胺酮静脉麻醉在烧伤手术的临床应用
But it is often ignored that yang deficiency can also lead to Xiaoke called Yinxiao. 消渴病机目前多认为是“阴虚为本,燥热为标”,而忽略了历代医家对其病机尚有不同论述,尤其是因阳虚所致之“阴消”向来不受重视,以致临证中多有误治。
The Study on the Culture of Tulipa gesneriana in Xiangxi Area; 湘西地区郁金香引种栽培研究

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