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Only one eye was achieved with deliveries of 0.5 seconds, 1.3 watt and a total energy of 52 joules.

Only one baby survived the terrible car crash. 在那次可怕的撞车事故中只有一个婴儿生还。
Only one boy was absent, namely Harry. 只有一个男孩儿缺席,就是哈里.
Only one bullet hit the bull's-eye. 只有一颗子弹击中靶心。
Only one cash coupon can be used each time. 每人每次只限使用一张手机现金卷。
Only one doctor is on duty today - the other doctor is off duty. 今天只有一个医生值班,另一位下班了。
Only one eye was achieved with deliveries of 0.5 seconds, 1.3 watt and a total energy of 52 joules. 同时并观察隅角及视神经盘之组织病理学变化。
Only one faith worships a person known primarily for his sacrificial love. 只有一种信仰崇拜一位为爱献身的人。
Only one false positive case was recorded with the oral gum swab test, proving 99.7% specificity. 通过口腔分泌液检验只有一例假阳性,证明准确度99.7%。
Only one field lies between us. 我们中间只隔着一块田地。
Only one format remains, and it is... 仍然只有一个格式,它::
Only one hero of certain color can enter the tournament, the rewards for 1-5 tournament rounds are increasing up to 100 000 GP and 3 ATT and 3 DEF. 某一旗帜的玩家只有一位英雄可以进入比赛,1-5回合的比赛奖励是最高100000GP,3攻击力和3防御力。

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