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PLAYER). Rebel. Know Strife. Pain. Learn anguish.

PLAYER), your empire remains in disarray, but I can change that. Obey me, and I will reward you. 你的王国陷于混乱之中,但我能改变这一现状,服从我吧,我就将回报你的顺从。
PLAYER), your loss is predictable, considering your complete lack of discipline and direction. 考虑到你完全缺乏纪律的约束与正确的引导,我完全可以预见到你最终的堕落。
PLAYER). Blasphemy. Anguish comes soon. Disgust. Magic sorrows. 你亵渎我,苦闷即将降临你身,我厌恶,我悲伤。
PLAYER). Cherished Silence. Weary. No bother. Good riddance. 我喜爱寂静,我已经疲倦,再也不要打扰我,摆脱了你真好。
PLAYER). Hostile. Signs say No. Never penitent. Unwelcome. 你与我敌对,我不希望这样,如果你不忏悔,你将会不受欢迎。
PLAYER). Rebel. Know Strife. Pain. Learn anguish. 你的叛变,将会导致斗争,痛苦,苦闷会一起降临。
PLAYER). Satisfactory Completion. Payment ready. 结果很满意,准备接受回报。
PLAYER). Tiresome. No. Meddlesome. Traitorous return. 你无聊,你抵触,你爱管闲事,你是叛逆者。
PLAYER). Welcome. Yes. Obedient. Fortuitous return. 欢迎,是的,服从于我,就回到我身边。
PLAYER). Well done. Approval. Receive. 干得好,我对你赞许,我接受你的忠诚。
PLC and computer integrated with automatic valve control is adopted with high degree of automation lowered labor intensity. 采用PLC、微机结合自动阀门控制,自动化程度高,降低劳动强度。

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