E:Well,gee,you should have taken your first level in something easier,like bard or rogue.
好了,吁,你的头一级本该选个简单点的,像是吟游诗人或是游荡者。 |
E:Yeah,why not?I mean,being a bard is pretty silly.You walk into dungeons and /SING/ at people.Who could take that seriously?
对,为什么不?我是说,成为一个吟游诗人就很愚蠢。你走进地城然后对着别人/唱歌/。谁会把这当回事? |
E:Yes,I have.In my spare time I usually do some translations and some of them have been published.
我干过。在业余时间我经常翻译一些东西,他们中的一些已经被发表。 |
E:[But the d12 does have one refuge:the barbarian!Whether for hit points or greataxe damage,the d12 and the barbarian are best buddies.
[但12面骰确实有位保护人:野蛮人!不管在生命值还是巨斧伤害上,12面骰和野蛮人都是最佳排挡。 |
E:can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China?
我能不能提取存款偿付我在中国买的费用? |
E:could you tell me my balance?
能不能将我帐号中的结余金额告诉我? |
E:do you charge for cheques?
兑换支票你们收手续费吗? |
E:do you pay interest on the account?
这类储蓄你们付息吗? |
E:how do we open a checking-savings account?
我们怎样开一个支票储蓄帐户? |
E:how much do the checks cost?
这些支票要花多少钱? |
E:how much in foreign exchange certificate can I get for a fifty-pound note?
一张五十镑钞票可以兑换多少兑换券? |