So when a government ban on the advertising of Sina's fortune-telling phone-message service hammered its share price, Shanda swooped.
因此政府一纸禁令重拳打击新浪短信占卜服务的广告并使其股票价格跌落时,盛大及时跟进。 |
So when analysts say the market looks cheap on a historic basis, they are really saying it looks attractive relative to a period that saw one of the greatest bull markets ever known.
原译:由此当分析师声称,历史基准之下的当前市场价格正处于低位时,其实际言语是:“以史为鉴”,投机者正经历一个气势如虹的牛市周期。 |
So when de Man says that, “rhetoric radically suspends logic and opens up vertiginous possibilities of referential aberration,” he is drawing attention to the fact that meaning (intentions people have when they make statements or when they read statements
所以当德曼说:“修辞从根本上悬置了逻辑并打开了令人眩晕的意志失常的无限可能性,”时,他正把我们的注意力吸引到如下事实上来:人们在阅读或陈述时所有的意图无法建立在逻辑的基础上。 |
So when he accidentally taints his blood with the potion, he hardly expects his fate is about to change forever.
成长后的光仔(刘德华饰)既惊又喜,终于踏上了梦寐以求的旅程。 |
So when he decides not to join this club, I think it will be a loss for him, for his career.
因此当他决定不加入这个俱乐部,我认为是对他的损失,对他事业的损失。 |
So when he does, the armed forces pay attention.
当他穿的时候,全军都在关注。 |
So when he returned the silver to his mother, his mother took two hundred pieces of silver and gave them to the silversmith who made them into a graven image and a molten image, and they were in the house of Micah.
士17:4米迦将银子还他母亲、他母亲将二百舍客勒银子交给银匠、雕刻一个像、铸成一个像、安置在米迦的屋内。 |
So when he spotted Veronica leaving the dentists' building, unmistakably her although he was ten stories high and she was bundled against the winter winds, he left his office without bothering with a topcoat and ambushed her on the sidewalk a half block a
所以当他准确无误地看真切了她从牙医办公楼走出时,——虽然他身在十楼,冬日的寒风又紧紧地裹着她的身子,——他便顾不得披上外套就急匆匆地下了楼,在半个街区远的行人道上悄悄地守候着她。 |
So when herpes appeared in a person who hadn't had sex for a long time, or in a monogamous person whose partner apparently didn't have herpes, it was assumed the infection was acquired by non-sexual means.
因此当一个在很长时间没有性生活的人出现生殖器疱疹症状时,或一个一直坚持一夫一妻的人出现生殖器疱疹症状,而他的配偶从没有出现过疱疹症状(按:注意“没有出现”不等于“不患有”),就会猜想是通过性传播以外的途径感染。 |
So when his father-in-law, King Harold, falls ill, it is up to Shrek to find a suitable heir, or he will be forced to give up his beloved swamp for the throne.
因此,当他的岳父哈罗德国王生病时,史莱克就得去找一个合适的继承人,否则他将被迫放弃心爱的沼泽地,登上王位。 |
So when in 2005 the Foundation began looking for a foothold in China, Beijing was the obvious choice.
因此在2005年,基金会开始在中国寻找立足之处;显然,北京是最好的选择。 |