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Anoxidation graphite mould(for up-drawing continuous casting of copper pipe and pole,stainless steel etc).

Another wrinkle is plans by LG Electronics, and possibly other gadget makers attending the Las Vegas conference, to announce new DVD players with drives for both formats; however, such players will most likely be initially more expensive than other player LG电子也计划趟这片浑水,可能还有参加拉斯维加斯展会的其他设备商,他们也将推出内置两种播放制式的新型DVD影碟机;但是,这些设备会比其他播放机贵上许多。
Another, 2002 study of 499 adults found a four-fold increased risk of obesity for those who reported skipping breakfast 25% of the time. 另外2002年一项对499名成人的研究发现,那些自称四分之一时间不吃早饭的人,患肥胖症的危险增加四倍。
Another, by LH2, showed the pair neck-and-neck, at 27% each. 另一家民调机构LH2显示他们二人的支持率旗鼓相当,都是27%。
Another\'s bread costs dear. 别人的面包代价贵;求人施舍代价高。
Anousheh Ansari was accompanied by a USRussian crew on the Soyuz TMA9 capsule, which entered orbit about 10 minutes after liftoff from the Russian cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. 这位名叫阿诺谢赫·安萨里的女子在两位美俄宇航员的陪同下,搭乘联盟TMA9号飞船在位于哈萨克斯坦境内的俄罗斯发射基地升空,10分钟后,飞船进入预定轨道。
Anoxidation graphite mould(for up-drawing continuous casting of copper pipe and pole,stainless steel etc). 无氧石墨模具,用于紫铜管、紫铜杆、不锈钢等上引法连续铸造。及与其配套的石墨保护套和硅酸铝保温套。
Ans 3: Right brain is in its most active state during early age (0-3). 在幼龄时(0-3),右脑正处于最活跃的阶段。
Ans 6: Reading is a brain function and not a speech function. 阅读是一种大脑功能而并非是一种说话的功能。
Ans 7: We are to use flashcards to train a child to learn how to read. 我们可以用闪卡技术来教孩子如何阅读。
Ans his slippers and a glass of water were always there to welcome him. 美国核子学会他的拖鞋和一杯水总是在那里欢迎他。
Ans: According to Number 31 of the Air Pollution Control Regulation, if the residents burn the Ghost money in the open district, they will have to pay a NT$5,000 to NT$100,000 fine. 答:依照空气污染防制法第三十一条之规定,市府可依法告发,处以新台币五千元以上十万元以下之罚锾。

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