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I\'m one hundred percent certain .

I\'m madly in love with her. 我疯狂地爱着她。
I\'m moving to Canada, so I\'d like a one-way ticket. 我要搬去加拿大,所以我要一张单程票。
I\'m no longer skinny. 我也不再骨瘦如柴。
I\'m not interested in bible-bashing. 我对圣经批判没有兴趣。
I\'m not saying he dropped that now-legendary clanger against Real because he had had fish and chips two days earlier. 当然,我并不是说,卡恩在对皇马那场比赛犯下经典错误前两天也吃了炸鱼土豆条。
I\'m one hundred percent certain . 我百分之百地肯定。
I\'m planning to start a school, so I\'m trying to save as much as possible. 我打算开办一所学校,所以我在尽可能地努力节省钱。
I\'m sick several years ago,otherwise I will com to see you. 前几年我病了,否则我早就来看你了。
I\'m sorry if I seem like a bimbo, but I love to look at pretty things, hear pretty sounds, think pretty thoughts....you get the picture. 抱歉如果我看起来像没大脑的女生﹐可我就爱看美好的东西﹐听美好的声音﹐想美好的事情…你们应该知道我在说什么。
I\'m sorry this painting\'s not for sale. 很遗憾,这张画是非卖品。
I\'m sorry,but I have to go. 对不起,但我得走了。

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