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Finnish researchers say they have found a gene they believe could be important in causing dyslexia, the most common learning disorder among children.

Finnerty's attorney, Bill Cotter, said, We're surprised that anybody got indicted, quite frankly. 芬那提的律师比尔·柯特说,“十分坦白地说,我们对任何被控的人都感到惊讶。”
Finnerty, who posted the same amount later Tuesday, made a brief appearance in Superior Court wearing a jacket and tie. 芬那提,于稍候的星期二也张贴了一张同面额的债券,并穿着夹克、系着领带在高级法院短暂出庭。
Finnish border officials say that Chinese have been doing this sort of thing for some time now. 芬兰边防办公室表示此类事件时有发生。
Finnish engineers have poured pig manure into a contaminated pond next to an old mine, saying the bacteria in the slurry will clean up metals in the water. 为了治理一个被附近旧矿井所污染的池塘,芬兰工程师日前向池水中倾注了大量的猪粪浆。这样做是因为猪粪浆中包含的细菌能将池水中的金属物质清理干净。
Finnish municipalities have a strong self-governing status and have the right to level taxes. 芬兰的各个市政府有很强的自治性,并且有权征税。
Finnish researchers say they have found a gene they believe could be important in causing dyslexia, the most common learning disorder among children. 芬兰研究人员称,他们已经发现了一种基因。他们认为这种基因是引起诵读困难重要原因。诵读困难是孩童中普遍出现的学习杂乱现象。
Finnish traffic fines vary with the offender's income and, according to tax office data, Salonoja's 2002 earnings were close to seven million euros. 芬兰的交通罚款因违规者的收入而异,根据税务局资料,萨罗诺亚在2002年的收入近700万欧元。
Finn:All right. But if anyone finds out, we'll be disqualified.So let's just keep it on the down-low, shall we? 芬恩:好的。但是如果被别人发现了,我们就要被取消资格。所以我们要保守秘密,对不对?
Finn:I think it's time we started our new class project. 芬恩:我认为,我们是时候开始一门新的课题了。
Finn:No, it's called Rock Band. 芬恩:不,这个课题叫“摇滚乐队”。
Finn:No, trust me. They don't want to know anything about it. Keep it zipped. 芬恩:不行,相信我。他们不会想知道的。要保守秘密啊!

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