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China reaped a record 28 golds in Sydney four years ago.

China provides vital food and energy supplies, but is opposed to the imposition of economic sanctions on its communist neighbour and notional ally. 中国提供必需食品和能量供给,但这尤违于对他的共产主义邻居和精神同盟的经济制裁。
China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. 中国执行和平独立的外交政策。
China put into practice the nine-years compulsory education. 中国实行九年制义务教育。
China quickly first became the world's largest manufacturer of low end products such as toys and clothing. 中国很快第一个成为世界最大的玩具、服装等低端产品制造商。
China re-entered space yesterday evening, sending a communication satellite into orbit atop a Long March 3B rocket from a launch pad in Xichang in Southwest China's Sichuan Province. 北京时间4月12日20时0分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用“长征三号乙”捆绑式运载火箭,成功地将“亚太六号”通信卫星送入太空。
China reaped a record 28 golds in Sydney four years ago. 4年前,中国在悉尼破纪录地收获了28枚金牌。
China recently agreed to straighten a route for airlines crossing its airspace which has cut 15 minutes off a flight to Europe. 中国最近同意为飞越其领空的飞机把一条线路改为直航线,这给前往欧洲的航班节约了15分钟的时间。
China recently lifted its import restriction of five commodities. 中国最近解除对五项商品的进口限制。
China recently opened up the pounds to journalists, in a bid to show that the pets are being dealt with humanely. 中国最近想新闻记者开放了收容所,以便让人们知道那里的狗被人道地对待。
China refuses to establish relations with any state that recognizes Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade province. 中国拒绝和任何承认台湾的国家建立外交关系,北京认为台湾是中国有待统一的一个省份。
China remains a Communist state, albeit one that has embraced capitalism. 尽管中国投向了资本主义的怀抱,却还是共产主义国家。

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