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The most profitable trading tool is simply following the trend.

The most prevalent procedure is to use photolithography or electron-beam lithography to produce a pattern in a layer of photoresist on the surface of a silicon wafer. 最常用的步骤是用光蚀刻或电子束蚀刻法,在矽晶圆表面的光阻层上制作出图案。
The most prevalent use of the term social entrepreneurship, however, focuses on the role of the risk-taking individual who, against all odds, creates social change. 然而,社会企业家最普遍的用法是指那些甘愿冒风险的人不记成败地创造社会变化。
The most priceless is one's heart,which can not be bought.The only way to get it is to trade with your own heart . 最无价的东西就是人心,是花多少钱也买不来的.要赢得别人的心,只有拿自己的心去交换.
The most producer's good of Joint venture in Shijiazhuang come from Aoqide Limited, India. This time will confer with Aoqide on material breeds, amount, price and supply time. 在石家庄的合资公司主要生产原料很大一部分来自印度奥奇德公司,本次将就原料供应品种、数量、价格、时间等进行协商。
The most profitable farmers will operate in a range where both the cost per tonne of crop produced will be minimized and revenues are maximized. 棉花试验的产量数据一直说明施用磷肥和钾肥可发挥生产优势。
The most profitable trading tool is simply following the trend. 最佳的赢利方法就是跟随趋势。
The most profound meaning of Heidegger's thought is that it opens the way to the self-stipulation of thinking as being by revealing the truth which the concealment of thing itself is concealed firstly and it should be unconcealed in our thinking of being. 海德格尔思想的深刻之处就在于:它不但揭示出遮蔽现象是第一位被遮蔽的东西这一真理,而且将遮蔽作为遮蔽带向去蔽这一存在之思事情本身,从而打开了“一条通向对思想之事情的规定的道路”。
The most profound of these is within Taiwan itself: it is no longer a one-party state but a vibrant, even raucous democracy. 而这些变化中影响最深远的莫过于台湾自身所发生的变化了:台湾已经不再是一党执政了,取而代之的是一个充满活力,甚至是有些略显嘈杂的民主政体。
The most prolific striker at Old Trafford since Denis Law is aware that there will be no shortage of potential buyers. 丹尼斯-劳之后曼联最高产的射手知道他不缺少潜在的买家。
The most prominent leaders of the Reformation, Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin also defended the perpetual virginity of Mary against those who questioned it. 最突出的改革派领导者,路德,茨温利和加尔文也对玛丽亚的永久童贞性作出辩论,否认那些怀疑。
The most prominent mark of such impact is, it makes the mass meteorite strike relics—ringed mountains scattered over the earth surface, and plagioclase is the most prevailing strata bedding in such mountains. 该影响最显著的标志是,它使地球表面广泛分布了大规模的陨击遗迹——环形山系,斜岩是该类山体最普遍的岩层纹理构造。

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