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Crews were cautious though because propane tanks were resting on the roof.

Crews in Minneapolis are using a high-resolution camera to search underwater after last week's deadly bridge collapse. 在上周明尼阿波利斯市发生严重的大桥倒塌事故后,工作人员正在用高分辨率的相机对水下进行搜寻。
Crews in Nevada are narrowing their search for adventurer Steve Fossett to a 50-mile-radius around the air strip where he took off last week. 在内华达州搜寻小队缩小他们对冒险家史蒂夫.福斯特范围至以他上周起飞跑道为中心半径为50英里的地域。
Crews now plan to drill a third hole as rescue operations enter their second week. 踏入营救行动的第二个星期,营救人员计划钻第三个洞。
Crews now plan to drill a third hole as rescuer operations enter the second week. 救援人员计划开钻第三个地洞,营救工作进入第二周。
Crews set up floating barriers to contain the oil. 船员们装上了漂浮的障碍物来阴止石油的扩散。
Crews were cautious though because propane tanks were resting on the roof. 虽然因为房顶上有装有化学炳的桶,消防队员们在工作时还是表现得小心翼翼。
Crick's entirely correct statement is irrelevant to curing aging -- but this irrelevance illustrates the main distinction that I think I can make between how I think about fixing aging and the way that most of my colleagues think about it. 克里克完全正确的话与治愈老化无关–而是这种无关性阐明了我可以弄清的在我所考虑的搞定老化与我的大多数同事们考虑它的方式的主要差别。
Cricket Mania 2005 is the most innovative cricket game ever created for mobile and will delight cricket fans worldwide. 疯狂职棒2005是手机上最新颖的棒球游戏,并使全世界的棒球迷为之疯狂。
Crickets actually have 1)nutritional value and are high in 2)protein, says Jordan Levine, a member of the 3)marketing team at Cold Stone Creamery. 冷石乳品厂行销组成员乔丹列文表示,蟋蟀确实具有营养价值,而且富含蛋白质。
Crime burst in like a flood; modesty, truth, and honor fled. 罪恶象洪水一样泛滥成灾,谦虚、真理和尊严逃得无影无踪。
Crime in preparation can also be called as the course of a crime in preparation, so as to distinguish from practice course and the course after practice in process of commission of crime. 犯罪预备又可称为犯罪预备阶段,以区别于犯罪过程中的实行阶段、实行后阶段。

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