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The crew abandoned the burning ship.

The creep cavity location and damage of polycrystalline material was studied, and it was considered that there was a great correlation between the cavity sites, creep damage and grain size, and the damage often occurred in the location where grain size wa 摘要研究了多晶体材料在高温蠕变下的空洞出现位置和损伤特点,认为同一组织下空洞的出现及蠕变损伤的位置与晶粒尺寸有关系,晶粒尺寸小的部位易发生损伤。
The creeping tide of light gained and gained, and now they could see the colour of the flowers that gemmed the water's edge. 天色将曙,他们已能辨别宝石般点缀着两岸的鲜花的颜色。
The creepy kids next door. 隔壁那些令人讨厌的小孩
The crescendo in the last movement leads up to a grand climax and a repeat of the main theme. 最后乐章的高潮慢慢发展到了顶点。以重复主旋律而告终。
The crescent slips and slides between his teeth, it gets away and scales the heights,…foam downs his last insults…, a dog for nothing? 月亮在他牙齿之间溜滑移动,陶醉而得到高潮,最后白沫弥漫作为最后的羞辱。
The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船。
The crew are all from a foreign country. 所有的船员均来自另外一个国家.
The crew come from another country. 所有的船员均来自另外一个国家.
The crew cut is a very short haircut so called because it was fashionable with members of American university rowing crews in the 1930's. 船员发型是一种非常短的发型,之所以叫这个名称是因为它在20世纪30年代的美国大学划船队员中颇为流行。
The crew feathered (their oars) for the last few yards of the race. 在划船比赛到最後几码时, 全体队员回桨时把桨叶持平.
The crew had implicit faith in the captain's judgment. 全体船员都绝对相信船长的判断。

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