She give the delegation a strict interpretation of the speech.
她把这段话准确地向代表团作了翻译。 |
She gives herself wholly to the little one whom she loves.
她将她自己完全给了她所爱的孩子。 |
She gives it to Aragorn, who drinks some. He walks off with a nod.
她向阿拉贡敬了一杯,他和了几口。他向她点头致意,然后便走开了。 |
She gives me the pip.
她老让我生气. |
She gives private lessons to supplement her income.
她给私人授课以贴补收入. |
She gives us a living example of sanctity .
她给我们树立了一个圣洁的活榜样。 |
She gives us a living example of sanctity.
她给我们树立了一个圣洁的活榜样。 |
She glance shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
她羞怯地偷看了他一下,随即垂下眼帘。 |
She glanced around the room, from somewhere inside a wall a pipe clanked - the house clearing its throat - and took out the top envelope.
她环顾了一下屋子,某个地方的墙上发出了发叮当声-是屋子在清-然后她掏出最上面的那个信封。 |
She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away.
她瞟了一眼睡着的孩子,然后匆匆离去。 |
She glanced round the room before she left.
她略微环视了一下房间才离开。 |