Falling in 1ove is the most exquisitely personal of all human experiences.
堕入情网在所有人类经历中是最具个人色彩的。 |
Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself in trouble because you didn't do your homework.
坠入爱河是种强烈的感情,但是当你手上戴着婚戒醒来时,你不会希望发现自己因为没有作好功课而处于不幸中。 |
Falling in love is no more than the several specified phases.
恋爱也不外乎那几个阶段。 |
Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams.
相爱就是她在你的怀里酣然入睡,然后在你的梦里悄然醒来。 |
Falling in love with his sister-in-law, Zhu Yizun's romantic Ci works like Jing Zhi Ju Qin Quare featured by: sincerity, elegance and narrativeness.
摘要朱彝尊与其妻妹的恋情使其艳词独具与众不同的真挚、醇雅、叙事性加强等审美特质。 |
Falling in love with somebody always brings you gentle pain and makes you spoony.
喜欢一个人,那种轻微的,象针刺地痛,但偏偏叫人如迟痴如醉的。 |
Falling in step with Monsieur Renaud, the moon busting through the greasy sky like a punctured balloon, I fell immediately into the realm of the transcendental.
于是我同勒诺先生并排走,这时月亮像被刺破的气球从油腻腻的天空中跃出,我亦立刻堕入了超然的王国中。 |
Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.
利息一下降给公司带来了一个新的问题。 |
Falling into a deep trance should not be a problem with these exercises.
以这些练习进入深度恍惚状态应该不会有问题。 |
Falling off a bicycle, getting hit while playing a sport, or being involved in a car accident are a few of the common causes of concussion.
从自行车上摔下,运动时受到撞击,或者遭遇车祸都是可能导致脑震荡的常见原因。 |
Falling off a bicycle, getting hit while playing a sport, or being involved in a car accident are a few of the common courses of concussion.
从自行车上摔下来、在打球中的碰撞、或是汽车事故中受伤,都只是引发脑震的一些共同点。 |