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Considering the practicality in specific design, two different drive systems are designed in the electrical control system, that is, the hoist and gantry share a set of alternating current frequency conversion timing driving system, and the trolley and bo

Considering the overtaking flow, this paper built the continuum equation of mixed traffic flow, set up the kinematics differential equation by means of differential calculus. 摘要引入超车换道流量,建立了混合交通流的连续性方程;通过对交通流参数的微分变换,建立了混合交通流的运动微分方程。
Considering the particularity of the environment pollution tort, this paper mainly discusses evidence law problems. 摘要本文立足于环境污染侵权行爲的特殊性,探讨此类诉讼中的证据法问题。
Considering the payload when transmitted in Gaussian Channel according to information theory, the system builds up a mapping relationship between image space and watermarking space, and achieves the trade-off between theoretic capacity, robustness and per 考虑高斯信道传输时信息理论的容量,系统建立了图像空间和水印空间的影射关系,实现了水印系统应用时的理论容载、鲁棒性和人类感官之间的一种平衡关系。
Considering the plights in reality, Zhuang Zi viewed spiritual freedom as the ultimate ideal of life. 庄子立足于现实的种种困境,以实现人生的逍遥游为最高境界。
Considering the point source requirement, the electric spark which can generate impulse -like signals is employed in this measurement and the near field HRTF data are obtained efficiently. 为了满足近场情况下“点声源”的要求,本研究提出了电火花冲激点声源的测量方法,成功地获得了近场数据。
Considering the practicality in specific design, two different drive systems are designed in the electrical control system, that is, the hoist and gantry share a set of alternating current frequency conversion timing driving system, and the trolley and bo 考虑到实用性,设计的电气控制系统采用两类不同的驱动系统,即起升与大车共用1套交流变频调速驱动系统,小车与臂架俯仰共用1套直流调压调速驱动系统。
Considering the present situation of retail market in our country and the problems that exist in the development of retail business, we should promote marketing innovation of retail business, which is a correct choice to improve the competitiveness of ent 基于我国零售市场态势,针对我国零售业发展中存在的问题,零售业营销创新是提高企业竞争力的正确选择。
Considering the pressure of reform, we propose a two stage strategy for reform: market based share ownership of land and private ownership of farmers. 而考虑到中国具体实际和改革面临的阻力,笔者提出了改革的战略思路是:第一阶段实行土地股份所有,市场化经营;第二阶段实行农村土地农民个人所有制。
Considering the primary purpose of patent system, the international trend of intellectual property, and the need of the situation of our country, we should pay some attention to patent restriction while we study patent protection. 摘要专利制度的根本目的、知识产权国际发展趋势以及我国国情的需要,都要求我们在关注和研究专利权保护的同时,给予专利权限制这一问题同样的重视。
Considering the problem of the justification of logical theory, FENG's such a theory requires that the construction of a logical theory adhere to the unity of a posteriority and a priority. 在逻辑理论的证成问题上,“概念的双重作用”要求逻辑理论的建构必须坚持后验性与先验性的统一。
Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on Mother's Day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death. 想想母亲节时,孩子们为妈妈所做的早餐;很明显的,如果没有妈妈,孩子们将会饿死。

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