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A: Well, give me the walkman. I'll listen to the music then.

A: Well, I'll look forward to hearing some good results. Don't let me down. 好的,我期待听到好消息,不要令我失望。
A: Well, I've changed all my money to Tai baht for my trip. 嗯,为了这次旅行,我把所有的钱都换成泰铢了。
A: Well, I've got this cute new co-worker who would like to meet a nice man. 嗯,我有一个新的漂亮美眉同事,想认识一位好男人喔!
A: Well, a stewardess should be friendly, courteous, patient and treat passengers kindly and politely. 空姐应该待人友好、有礼貌、有耐心,对顾客和蔼、彬彬有礼。
A: Well, after my report, there'll be an interval for rest and refreshments. 哦,就在我做完报告后的休息时间供应点心吧。
A: Well, give me the walkman. I'll listen to the music then. 好吧,给我随身听,我听音乐好了。
A: Well, good-bye and thanks again! 好吧,再见,再一次感谢您。
A: Well, if you insist... But, let me treat you to a drink at the bar. 好吧,如果你坚持的话……不过我请你到酒吧喝一杯吧。
A: Well, it will come to you eventually. Maybe I could run some errands for you or something. 别急,你到底会想起来的。也许我能帮你跑跑腿什么的。
A: Well, let's pull over at the next place and see if they have got any. 那么,到了下个地点,我们就把车子停在路边,看看他们有没有汽油可以给我们的。
A: Well, look here, Mr. Wang. Six new typewriters were delivered to my college yesterday afternoon and only three of them work properly. 那好,王先生你看,昨天下午送到我们学院的6台打字机,只有3台是好的。

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