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Then one day a magical thing occurred.

Then one birthday, the doorbell rang. 然而又是一个生日,门铃响了。
Then one can begin to carve a path towards freedom for oneself through evolution. 此后,你才可以藉由进化而开始为自己切割通向自由的道路。
Then one day I fell in with a photographer; he was making a collection of the slimy joints of Paris for some degenerate in Munich. 有一天我碰巧遇到一个摄影师,他在为慕尼黑某个性欲倒错的人拍一套巴黎下流场所的照片。
Then one day I was in Memphis on other business, and after dinner at the Holiday Inn on the Levee, I went into the lounge. 后来,有一天我在孟菲斯市办理其他业务,在座落在黎威河畔的假日饭店用完晚餐之后,我走进大厅。
Then one day a horse merchant arrived in Benares with 500 horses to sell. 后来,有个贩马商人带着500匹马来贝拿勒斯卖,这些马包括许多种马、母马、马驹。
Then one day a magical thing occurred. 一天一件不可思议的事情发生了。
Then one day an egg appeared. 这之后的一天,一只鸟蛋出现了。
Then one day he rescues a native companion from the cannibals, who he re-names Friday (Jaime Fernández). 丹.奥赫里奇的精彩演出,足以独自支撑大半部电影而仍然不令人感受到沉闷。
Then one day two farmers came to the magistrate hoping he might settle a dispute. 有一天,两个农夫到来,请求裁判官解决争端。
Then one day, Dan and Cindy come home early. They find Abby and Brandon cuddling on the couch, watching TV. Dan sends Brandon home, and Abby gets upset. “I’m sorry, but this no-dating rule is so unfair,” she says. “Brandon’s a great guy! Please think abou 布兰顿是个好男孩!请好好考虑让我跟他谈对象。”老爹叫爱彼回到她的房间,让母亲仙蒂好好跟她谈谈。
Then one day, a man and a woman came to the barn. 有一天,一对夫妇住进了屋子。

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