Applicants are required to submit a written statement of purpose (1-2 pages) to the Division for consideration.
申请人于递交入学申请时,须附上一篇申明修读目的之文章(1-2页),以供学部审阅。 |
Applicants for export licenses should contact the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
出口许可证申请人应与外贸部联系。 |
Applicants for fiancé/fiancee visas do not need to obtain these vaccinations before traveling to the U.S., but such applicants will be required to obtain the vaccinations prior to applying for legal permanent residence in the U.S.
未婚类签证的申请人进入美国之前不需要完成这些疫苗接种,但在美国申请成为合法永久居民之前要完成疫苗接种。 |
Applicants may obtain such forms from public security organs at the place where they intend to reside.
定居身份确认表,由申请人向申请定居地的公安机关申请领取。 |
Applicants must also supply the copy of police clearance certificate letter isseed by the local Public Security Bureau or Vice Squad which is less than 6 months old at the time of lodgement.
申请人进驻我国之前,必须提供一份由当地公安局或者副警队6个月内签发的许可证明。 |
Applicants must be holders of a Master's degree in any discipline.
申请人须持有任何专业的硕士学位。 |
Applicants must pay the service charge and test fee.
申请人必须缴纳手续费和试验费。 |
Applicants must submit two recommendation letters (sealed and signed on the enveloped by the recommenders) from high school science teachers.
两封科学领域(数学、物理、生物或化学)教师之推荐信。 |
Applicants of dual nationalities which include R.O.C nationality, and whose R.O.C nationality is abandoned and approved by the Ministry of Interior Affairs within the past 8 years are not eligible to apply for admission.
具中华民国国籍及外国国籍之双重国籍者,自内政部许可丧失中华民国国籍之日起八年内,不得依本办法申请入学。 |
Applicants please send both English and Chinese resumes indicating expected salary in plain text (with no attachment) to us.
有意者请将中英文简历(请勿使用附件)及期望薪金发至本公司。 |
Applicants should have obtained a Bachelor's degree from a recongnized university and fulfilled the English Language Proficiency requirement prescribed by the Graduate School before being considered.
申请人须持有本地大学颁授之学士学位或其他认可大学颁授之同等学历;及取得符合香港中文大学研究院「英语能力规定」的条件方获考虑取录入学。 |