As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet neutrally to stimulate your own growth.
作为光家族成员,你们给行星带来中立的信息以激励你们自己的成长。 |
As men move further from God's ways, they degenerate to animal-like behaviour.
他们不会考虑维持这一长久的关系,这是建立在公同发展神悦的行为上的统一关系。 |
As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
2他们往东边迁移的时候、在示拿地遇见一片平原、就住在那里。 |
As mention previously, ditch your sexy frocks from past seasons, look for ladylike hemlines that fall anywhere from just above the knee to somewhere around the ankles.
有如前文所述,把你那些往季的性感长裙丢到一边,去选些裙摆在膝盖齐平处到脚踝之间的淑女裙吧。 |
As mentioned above, in the professional forehand, the rotation of the racquet head into the path of the ball is delayed until just before the strike stage.
如上所提到的,在职业球手的正手拍,网球拍头的旋转进入球的路径内的时间点,被延迟到就刚刚在打击阶段之前。 |
As mentioned above, inductors and capacitor together form tuned circuits.
如上所述,电感器和电容器接在一起就会形成谐振电路。 |
As mentioned above, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act applies to the federally regulated sector.
如上所述,个人信息保护和电子文件法适用于由联邦管辖的部门。 |
As mentioned above, the idea is to pass data down to the driver that can be accessed from any context such as another thread in another process.
如上文所言,这种方法的好处是传送到驱动程序中的数据可以在任何上下文中,比如另外一个位于其他进程中的线程的上下文中被访问。 |
As mentioned above, they showed Yao's breakout game of 20 points on national TV... it was buzzing in the theater especially after his first game and first home-opener.
正如上面提到的,姚明在一场全国直播的比赛中大爆发,得了20分。想想他的首场比赛以及首个主场亮相,这次真的是挣足面子了。(而且好像是9投9中吧?) |
As mentioned before, bots are often securedby some sensitive information, e.g. channel name or server password.
如上所述,僵尸工具一般被敏感信息所保护,比如频道名字或者服务器密码。 |
As mentioned before, many TAGs appear by pairs.
象我们以前提到过的,许多标签都是成对的。 |