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Many barber shops or hair stylists now cut both men's and women's hair. Prices vary considerably and it's sometimes necessary to make an appointment.

Many banks have stopped offering accounts to them, citing regulatory concerns. 很多银行声称担忧监管问题已经不再允许他们开户。
Many banks in Europe are in a position to open L/C and effect payment in Renmi i. 欧洲的许多银行能够开立信用证,而且用人民币支付。
Many banks in Europe are in a position to open L/C and effect payment in Renminbi. 欧洲的许多银行能够开立信用证,而且用人民币支付。
Many banks require borrowers to have a guarantor. 许多银行需要申请人提供一个保证人。
Many banks, retailers and the rest are no better. Some seem to have cut back on the essentials of customer service training: please, thank you that sort of thing. 许多银行、零售店和其它机构也好不到哪里去。其中一些似乎已砍去了客服培训的基本要素,如说“请”、“谢谢”之类。
Many barber shops or hair stylists now cut both men's and women's hair. Prices <I>var</I>y considerably and it's sometimes necessary to make an appointment. 许多专理男发或女发的理发店现在男女法均理.理发的价格相差很大,而且有时候理发还需预约.
Many barber shops or hair stylists now cut both men's and women's hair. Prices <I>vary considerably and it's sometimes necessary to make an appointment. 许多专理男发或女发的理发店现在男女法均理.理发的价格相差很大,而且有时候理发还需预约.
Many barber shops or hair stylists now cut both men's and women's hair. Prices vary considerably and it's sometimes necessary to make an appointment. 许多专理男发或女发的理发店现在男女法均理.理发的价格相差很大,而且有时候理发还需预约.
Many bargains had he picked up there. 他在那里买到好多便宜货。
Many basis values of the Chinese are well explained in the Analects of Confucius. 中国人民许多基本价值观念在孔子的论语中得到很好的阐述。
Many bats emit an echolocation call that contains a narrow frequency range and then analyze returning echoes to navigate and to detect prey. 许多蝙蝠会发出频率範围狭窄的回声定位呼叫,然后分析回声来作导航与侦测猎物。

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