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“Recovering a lot of our injured players will be crucial so we can step into the Stadio Olimpico in the right frame of mind,” continued the Italian international.

“Real did not play well on Sunday against us and seeing a mad Capello was a double joy for me. 上周,皇马在与我们比赛上踢的不好就是证明,看到疯子一样的卡佩罗我真是万分的高兴.
“Realize zero defect” is the quality target while “sincere and high efficiency” is the operating principle in the company. “突破零缺陷”是公司的品质理念,“诚信高效”是公司的经营理念。
“Really, Miss Eyre,”said Miss Abbott, “how could you hit him? He's your young master! “说真的,爱小姐,”阿伯特小姐说,“你怎么能打他呢?他是你的小主人啊!”
“Really? What a selfish, narcissistic creep! Remember how you used to complain about his icy touch? “真的?真是个自私自恋的小人!还记得你以前怎样抱怨他那冷冰冰的抚摸吗?”
“Really?” she interrupted, “there's none in the card catalog. Zero! Ridiculous! Aren't there any grown-ups who work here? “是吗?”她打断了我,“卡片上一本也没有。没有!太可笑了!这里难道没有成年人上班吗?”
“Recovering a lot of our injured players will be crucial so we can step into the Stadio Olimpico in the right frame of mind,” continued the Italian international. “很多伤病队员都恢复了,这对我们至关重要,我们可以调整到最佳状态打好在奥林匹克球场的比赛了。”这位意大利国家队队员说。
“Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the world. 译文:红色中国不是一个寻求主宰世界的强大国家。
“Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. Oh, the sun has seven colours.” They say. “红橙黄绿蓝靛紫,哦,太阳有七种颜色。”大家说。
“Reemployment Consequences of Layoff Workers of SOE”, Chinese Journal of Population Sciences, No.1, 2002. “不同身份下岗职工的再就业”,《中国人口科学》,2002年第1期。
“Refereeing errors can happy, but the officials must also have the decency to keep quiet and avoid going on television,” said a cynical Coach Renzo Ulivieri. 看到这种判罚上的失误真可笑,但是官员们也有权保持沉默和不在电视上爆光。博洛尼亚教练乌里维埃利冷嘲热讽道.
“Regardless of the moral issue,dishonesty in advertising has proved very unprofitable. 即使不考虑道德因素,不诚实的广告也被证实无利可图。

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