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Why does formal credit fail to reach the poor?

Why does everybody from all over the world come all the way here just to step on me while admiring you? 为什么全世界的人千里迢迢跑到这儿来瞻仰你,却把我踩在脚下?
Why does everything go wrong once employees got involved? 为什么任何东西只要扯到员工就会出问题?
Why does everything happen to me? 为什么倒霉的事儿总是搞到我身上来?
Why does few people know he is the president's descendant? 为什么很少有人知道他的“存在”?
Why does finite temperature imply open system? An isolated system can have finite temperature as well. 而经典相变由于都是发生在有限温度下,所以隐含了开放系统的假设。
Why does formal credit fail to reach the poor? 为什么正规的信贷不能为穷人所用?
Why does he come here continually? 他为什么老是到这里来?
Why does he do badly in the game? 这次比赛他为什么表现不佳?
Why does he have to wrap it all up in such complicated language? 他为什麽非得用这麽艰深的语言说话呢?
Why does he not come today?He maybe ill. 他今天为什么没来呢?他可能病了.
Why does he say he is sinful? (第8-9节)为什么他称自己是有罪的?

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