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Do not fly over the boundary of Vietnam, it is not safety at all.

Do not fear; I will support you. 别担心,我会支持你的。
Do not feed yourself on false hopes. 不要靠虚假的希望来生活.
Do not feel envious of the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise, for only a fool will think that is happiness. 不要嫉妒那些在蠢人的天堂里享受幸福的人,因为只有蠢人才以为那是幸福。
Do not feel it necessary to make commitments too but do not fail to make a commitment. 不要认为非得做出多少承诺,但也不要一个也不做。
Do not fidget or constantly pull your skirt down, as this gives the impression you're neither comfortable nor confident wearing it. 穿迷你裙的时候不要局促不安或者不断往下拉裙子,这样让人觉得你穿得既不舒服又不自信。
Do not fly over the boundary of Vietnam, it is not safety at all. 不要飞越越南边界上空,太不安全了。
Do not fold your arms across your chest and keep regular eye contact - be open to the interviewer. 不要把你的手臂交叠在胸前还有保持经常的视线接触-对面试官开放些.
Do not fool a superior scammer: Trying to outscam an observant or smarter person will end in disaster. 不要愚弄你的上级:尝试愚弄你的比你聪明的上级会让你导致麻烦。
Do not force beyond this point. 不要用力超过这个点。
Do not forget beneficiaries of Rotary projects, scholarship alumni, or Rotarians outside the district as potential audiences. 请别忘了扶轮计划的受惠人、奖学金前受奖人或贵地区以外的扶轮社员,作为潜在的观众。
Do not forget righteousness in face of profits, nor alter the moral principles in face of death. 见利不亏其义,见死不更其守。

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