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Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out.

Though learning how to play an instrument is not an easy task, but with their hard work and enthusiasm, they still amaze everyone with their extraordinary performance. 虽然学习乐器是件苦差事,但凭著努力与热忱,她们仍用卓越的演出惊艳了大家。
Though liberal arts might not seem closely vocation-related, it could help a lot in your future career since it helps develop the critical awareness of the interactions among people, science, technology, and the environment. 虽然通艺学科看来似乎并没有和就业有太大的关联,但它有可能在你的未来事业中产生很大的助益因为它能帮你培养出对于人、科学、科技、以及环境之间互动的敏锐感触。
Though lifestyle changes and pollution ultimately leave people more vulnerable to the airborne allergens they breathe in, research has shown that the higher carbon dioxide levels and warmer temperatures associated with global warming are also playing a ro 尽管人们生活方式有所改变,而且污染最终导致人们更易受吸入空气中传播的过敏原的影响,有关研究已显示与全球变暖有关的高二氧化碳含量和更高的气温在促使植物开花期提早以及产生更多花粉方面起了一定的作用。
Though long dry, these subterranean thoroughfares are literally everywhere beneath the city of London. 尽管长时间干涸着,但是这些地下通道在伦敦城下无所不在。
Though losing to Mitterand in 1981 and 1988, Chiracs political experience was well-rounded, having already become Minister of Agriculture in 1972 and Premier in 1974, and serving as Mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995. 但是他从政经历完整,1972年就已经是农业部长,1974年是法国总理(季斯卡),1977年起至1995是巴黎市长。
Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out. 恶意可以诽谤真理,但不能消灭真理.
Though malice may darken truth,it cannot put it out. 恶意可以糟塌真理;但无法消灭真理。
Though man be far afield, then, though he may have erred, there is established that which makes for a closer, closer walk WITH Him, through that one who experienced all those turmoils, strifes, desires, urges that may be the lot of man in the earth. 尽管人类远在荒野、尽管他们漂离流浪,但祂通过经历世间人类同样的困惑、痛苦、欲求和冲动建立起联系使得人们与祂亲近地同行。
Though many creatures of the soil layer are a drab grey-brown or pale and colourless, there is no reason why a few can't be bright and garish. 尽管土层中的许多生物要么是单调的灰褐色,要么体色苍白暗淡,但仍有一些色泽艳丽,甚至是色彩夺目。
Though many downtown businesses let employees go early, the rush hour extended long into the evening. 虽然市区的一些商业机构都提早让员工下班,但是由于暴风雪影响,交通高峰时段一直持续到了夜晚。
Though many members of the gang were arrested, police failed to capture the mastermind behind the crimes. 虽然这个帮派里有许多人被捕,但警方没抓到这宗罪行幕后的策划者。

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