It's a lovely day, isn't it?
真是一个好天气。 |
It's a lovely school. And it's a perfect place for sports. You know, I'm tennis fanatic.
这是一间很美好的学校,它对于诸多运动是个完美的地方。你知道的,我是个网球狂。 |
It's a lovely sunny day; why don't we run down to the coast?
天气多好哇,咱们何不开车到海边玩玩? |
It's a luxe life by the pool, at the ocean and on the lake this season.
这是一个在泳池边、海边和湖畔享受“奢华”生活的季节。 |
It's a machine with a CPU, a motherboard and circuits.
它是一个有中央处理器、母板和电路的机器。 |
It's a magic bead.
魔术珠子,宝姨姨吃了,病就好了!」 |
It's a magical device.
这是一个魔法的发明。 |
It's a magical story.
这是个神奇的故事。 |
It's a major decision, so why don't you sleep on it and give me your answer in a day or two.
这个决定很重要,因此你为什么不考虑一、二天再来答复我呢? |
It's a malignant slander to me.
这对我是恶意的诽谤。 |
It's a mark of how blinded we are as a culture that the core question our sons have to struggle with is not even a topic of conversation.
以上是一段有关与我们是如此盲目的引文,以至于将我们的男孩子们一直在努力追寻的核心问题甚至不是谈论的主题作为一种文化。 |