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At its simplest, this means avoiding corporate-speak and industry jargon.

At its insistence, resolution 1718 authorises governments to inspect goods—as China is apparently doing at some land crossings—but it does not oblige them to do so. 在他的坚持下,1718号决议授权各国政府检查输入北朝鲜的货物——很明显中国正在在一些陆路口岸这样做——但决议不强迫这些国家这样做。
At its most Utopian, a “concert of democracies” would be an institution to trump all institutions: a global club, led but not monopolised by America, that would fight poverty, stem climate change and resist tyrants. 按照最理想的情况,“民主同盟”将是一个胜过所有机构的机构:它是一个由美国领导但并非垄断的全球俱乐部,与贫困斗争,阻止气候变化,并且反抗暴君。
At its root , we are a very large, very successful, capitalist enterprise that is truly global but American in our parentage. 从根本上说,我们是一家规模庞大、经营成功的资本主义企业。虽然源于美国,但其实是一家真正的全球化企业。
At its root, the struggle is an ideological contest, a war of ideas that engages all of us, public servant and private citizen, regardless of nationality. 根本而言,这场战斗是一场意识形态竞争,是一场涉及我们所有人的观念的战争,无论你是公务员还是个体公民,也无论是什么国籍,都牵涉其中。
At its simplest, narration is the telling of a story, which involves characters and ongoing actions. 简言之,记叙文就是讲故事,包括人物和故事情节。
At its simplest, this means avoiding corporate-speak and industry jargon. 说简单一些,就是要避开那些类似发表演说一样的专业用语。
At its summit is a rock only about six meters acro . 峰顶是一块仅仅6米见方的岩石。
At its summit is a rock only about six meters across. 峰顶是一块仅仅6米见方的岩石。
At its very worst, this leads to a new and hideous kind of colonization. 最坏的时候,这种保护会导致新的和可怕的殖民地。
At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe. 罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。
At junction of Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road and Pui To Road, each carriageway approaching the junction will be widened to four lanes and one additional lane will be provided at the exits of the junction. 在屯门乡事会路及杯渡路交接处,将所有驶向该交接处的行车线扩阔至四线,亦在驶离该交接处的各出口多增一条行车线。

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