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The new high speed line between Madrid and Barcelona will cut travel time from six and a half hours down to two and a half.

The new guy who just came in yesterday is my brother-in-law. 昨天来的新同事是我妹夫。
The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern extremity of the city. 这座新体育馆位于城市的东端。
The new hair do effected a startling change in her appearance. 新发型使她的容貌产生了惊人的变化。
The new hairdo effected a startling change in her appearance. 指对行为、性格或观点等产生潜移默化的影响。
The new hamburger was supposed to be heavier on the left so the fillings wouldn't spill out on the right. 据说这种新型汉堡的左边要比右边重些,这样汉堡里的馅就不会洒向右边。
The new high speed line between Madrid and Barcelona will cut travel time from six and a half hours down to two and a half. 马德里只巴塞罗拉之间的高铁新线,将旅行时间从6个半小时减少到2个半小时。
The new high way has joined our commune to the city. 这条新公路把我们的公社与城市连接起来了。
The new high-rise was assembled piecemeal. 那幢新的高层建筑是一块一块地组装起来的。
The new high-tech and agriculture productions along with the capitals and technology of multi-national company pour into the Chinese mainland. 美国的农产品、高新技术产品,连同跨国公司的资本和技术,滚滚不息地涌进中国大陆。
The new high-tech is not only good but also bad for us. 高新技术对我们既有利又有弊.
The new highway has joined the two cities. 新公路把那两个城市连接起来。

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