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Quantum mechanics is such a rain forest of a theory, filled with indescribably weird animals and endlessly explorable backwaters, that seeking to reduce it to classical physics seems like trying to grow the Amazon from a rock garden.

Quantum indeterminism implies that for a particular quantum state there are many (possibly infinite) alternative futures or potential realities. 量子不确定性意味著对于某一特定量子状态而言,存在著很多(也许是无穷多)不同的未来或是可能的真实状况。
Quantum mechanical effects may allow matter and energy to radiate from black holes; however, it is thought that the nature of the radiation does not depend on what has fallen into the black hole in the past. 量子力学效应可能允许物质和能量从黑洞放射出来;然而,认为放射性质不取决于过去跌入黑洞的东西。
Quantum mechanics can be formulated in either a relativistic or non-relativistic manner. Relativistic quantum mechanics (quantum field theory) provides the framework for some of the most accurate physical theories known. 量子力学要么可以用相对论要么用非相对论方式来阐明。相对论量子力学(量子场论)为某些熟悉的最精确物理理论提供了框架。
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics that replaces Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism at the atomic and subatomic levels. 量子力学是理论物理的一基本分支,理论物理在原子与亚原子水平上取代牛顿力学和经典电磁学。
Quantum mechanics is a more fundamental theory than Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism, in the sense that it provides accurate and precise descriptions for many phenomena that these classicaltheories simply cannot explain on the atomic and 量子力学与牛顿力学和经典电磁学比是更为基本的理论,感觉上它对许多现象提供了精确和精准的描述,这些“经典”理论只不过不能解释原子与亚原子水平。
Quantum mechanics is such a rain forest of a theory, filled with indescribably weird animals and endlessly explorable backwaters, that seeking to reduce it to classical physics seems like trying to grow the Amazon from a rock garden. 量子力学就像是一座雨林,充满无法形诸笔墨的珍奇动物以及无数有待探索的偏僻水域,要将它归纳入古典物理之中,就好比试图在一座光秃秃的岩石公园中种植出亚马逊森林。
Quantum mechanics supplies the relative probabilities for each observable outcome, although it won't say which potential future is destined for reality. 对于每一个可能的观测结果,量子力学可以算出它们可能出现的相对机率,不过它无法明确说出究竟哪一个可能性会转化成事实。
Quantum mechanics uses complex number wave functions (sometimes referred to as orbitals in the case of atomic electrons), and more generally, elements of a complex vector space to explain such effects. 量子力学用复数波功能(有时指轨道内的原子电子),而更通常用复向量空间原理来解释这类作用。
Quantum theory and Einstein's theory of general relativity separately have each been fantastically well confirmed by experiment—but no experiment has explored the regime where both theories predict significant effects. 量子理论与爱因斯坦的广义相对论,在实验上都分别获得了相当程度的肯定,不过,对于两个理论都预测有明显效应的领域,目前还没有实验是能在此处进行的。
Quantum theory is a branch of physics that deals with very small particles. 量子论是一门研究微粒子的物理学。
Quantum theory is used to study the fidelity of quantum information of binomial light field interacting with pair atoms of entanglement state. 摘要应用全量子理论研究了初始处于纠缠态双原子与二项式光场共振相互作用的光场量子信息保真度。

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