You shall not eat leavened bread with it; seven days you shall eat with it unleavened bread, the bread of affliction (for you came out of the land of Egypt in haste), so that you may remember all the days of your life the day when you came out of the land
申16:3你吃这祭牲不可吃有酵的饼、七日之内要吃无酵饼、就是困苦饼.(你本是急忙出了埃及地)要叫你一生一世记念你从埃及地出来的日子。 |
You shall not even go out from the doorway of the tent of meeting, or you will die; for the Lord's anointing oil is upon you.So they did according to the word of Moses.
利10:7你们也不可出会幕的门、恐怕你们死亡、因为耶和华的膏油在你们的身上.他们就照摩西的话行了。 |
You shall not go outside the doorway of the tent of meeting for seven days, until the day that the period of your ordination is fulfilled; for he will ordain you through seven days.
利8:33你们七天不可出会幕的门、等到你们承接圣职的日子满了、因为主叫你们七天承接圣职。 |
You shall not hand over to his master a slave who has escaped from his master to you.
申23:15若有奴仆脱了主人的手、逃到你那里、你不可将他交付他的主人。 |
You shall not kindle a fire in any of your dwellings on the sabbath day.
出35:3当安息日、不可在你们一切的住处生火。 |
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
7不可妄称耶和华你神的名,因为妄称耶和华名的,耶和华必不以他为无罪。 |
You shall not pervert the justice due an alien or an orphan, nor take a widow's garment in pledge.
申24:17你不可向寄居的和孤儿、屈枉正直、也不可拿寡妇的衣裳作当头。 |
You shall not pervert the justice due to your needy brother in his dispute.
出23:6不可在穷人争讼的事上屈枉正直。 |
You shall not pity him, but you shall purge the blood of the innocent from Israel, that it may go well with you.
申19:13你眼不可顾惜他、却要从以色列中除掉流无辜血的罪、使你可以得福。 |
You shall not take The Name of The Lord your God in vain; for The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain.
第三条:“不可妄称耶和华-你上帝的名;因为妄称耶和华名的,耶和华必不以他为无罪。” |
You shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of the just.
出23:8不可受贿赂、因为贿赂能叫明眼人变瞎了、又能颠倒义人的话。 |