Cat: It's safer inside although with less freedom. |
中文意思: 猫:虽然不自由,但里面安全些。 |
Cat or Cat-A-Mountain - Liberty, vigilance, forecast and courage.
猫-自由、警戒心、预见力、勇气。 |
Cat run after the mice but can not catch it .
猫追着老鼠但逮不着它。 |
Cat sits on shore, looking out toward horizon; written in sky is “Star,” below, on water, “Rats,” a reflective anagram of the first order on “star.
这个也太抽象了,哪看出谁是“星星”,谁是“老鼠”。大概是在讽刺明星,竟然还使用了字母,没有解释绝对看不懂。 |
Cat: All right, for your own sake, I'll be blunt.
好,为了让你明白,我也就不拐弯抹角了。 |
Cat: Honey, the neighbour's dog plans to attack me, so I need to stay in the fortification ! And you are my faithful sentinel.
小猫:甜心,邻居的狗阴谋袭击我,所以我要呆在防御工事内!而你是我忠实的哨兵! |
Cat: It's safer inside although with less freedom.
猫:虽然不自由,但里面安全些。 |
Catabolism Metabolic reactions involved in the breakdown of complex molecules to simpler compounds as, for example, inrespiration.
分解代谢:这种代谢反应主要是把复杂的分子分解为简单的化合物,例如呼吸作用。 |
Catafalque He+Ar+Se Increases the levels of summoning and bone spells.
灵柩车增加骨系和召唤魔法等级。 |
Catalase is found in the cytoplasm in small organelles called peroxisomes.
过氧化氢酶在一种叫过氧化物酶体的小细胞器中存在。 |
Catalog Data: Digital Logic (3) I, II Number systems and coding, logic design, sequential systems, register transfer language.
美国亚利桑那州大学电机与计算机工程系开设的数字逻辑课程,内容包括教案、习题、教学大纲、参考资料等。 |
Catalogue, samples and prices have been listed above.
目录、样品和价格已在上表中列出。 |