Avoid preparing for the last supper.Don't skip meals and starve in attempt to make up for what you recently ate or are about to eat.
不要错过忽略任何一餐,不要用饥饿的严格禁食来弥补你最近吃过多的东西。 |
Avoid **ting in or out of the market too often.
进出市场不要过于频繁。 |
Avoid Damaging Live Trees and Plants: Avoid hammering nails into trees for hanging things, hacking at them with hatchets and saws, or tying tent guy lines to trunksthus girdling the tree.
避免损坏活的树木和植物:不要为了挂东西钉钉子到树上,不要用斧头和锯子乱砍树木,不要为了系住帐蓬而用绳子去绑在树上。 |
Avoid Skin Contact. Use Glove When Handling.
使用过程中需带手套,应避免直接接触皮肤。 |
Avoid a beer-belly, by watching what you drink.
请留心你所喝的饮品来避免啤酒肚。 |
Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler.
避开好问者,因他也是是非人。 |
Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can contribute to depression and anxiety.
避免饮酒和食用咖啡因,它们可导致抑郁和焦虑。 |
Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, both of which may weaken the immunity of the respiratory system.
减少烟酒,以免减低呼吸道的抵抗力。 |
Avoid all temptations to oversell yourself but be equally careful not to undersell yourself either.
避免过份推销自己,但同样要小心不可低估自己。 |
Avoid any man who deals in micrograms, for he's up to no good.
别理睬那种斤斤计较的人,这种人没安好心。 |
Avoid any temptation to employ secrecy or subterfuge in your actions.
得避免任何行动中运用诡计的行为,或是对你的行动过度保密。 |