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Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Head trauma and neck injury may also result in vertigo, which usually goes away on its own. 头部或颈部的受伤也会导致晕眩,不过这种眩晕会自行复原。
Head up tilt table testing is not warranted in patients who hae experienced a single syncopal episode without injury in an intermediate or low risk setting. 倾斜试验不推荐用于曾经有过在低位现场所发生过1次晕厥而没有受伤的患者。
Head up tilt table testing is not warranted in patients who have experienced a single syncopal episode without injury in an intermediate or low risk setting. 倾斜试验不推荐用于曾经有过在低位现场所发生过1次晕厥而没有受伤的患者。
Head up! (因有物体飞来)注意头上!
Head's latest clutch shot helped the Rockets hold off the Clippers after blowing a 17-point advantage. 头最新投进的关键球,在快船得了17分的情况下,又把他们打回了坑底。
Head, shoulders, knees and toes. 头,肩膀,膝盖和脚趾。
Head-butting is illegal in boxing. 在拳击比赛中用头撞人是犯规的。
Head-to-head, the Yankees went 1-5 against the Red Sox in April and took two out of three from Boston at Yankee Stadium in May. 二军对阵,4月份的比赛洋基1胜5败输给红袜,而5月时,红袜又在洋基主场的三场比赛中赢得二场。
HeadSun Intelligent System Corp., a high-tech company founded by homecoming scholars who had studied and worked abroad, focuses on design and manufacture of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) products. 厦门恒深智能系统有限公司是一家由留学归国团队所创办的高科技公司,致力于向用户提供智能交通系统的产品。
Head\'s 3-point streak ENDS. 海德的三分球纪录终止了。
Headache: Asia's ailing economies. The company derives 10 percent of its revenue from that part of the world. 令其头痛的事:亚洲经济的不景气。公司10%的收益来自该地区。

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