There are many who are skeptical of patents, especially drug patents.
许多人对专利持怀疑态度,特别是药品专利。 |
There are many who believe that simplified Chinese characters should be made to walk the plank.
有很多人相信简体中文的字体应该要加以扬弃。 |
There are many who say it has been relegated as irrelevant.
许多人说它因为不再适合而已经降低地位。 |
There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.
我访问了一些地方,遇到不少人,要谈起来,奇怪的事儿可多着哩。 |
There are many wonderful things hanging in the black sky.
黑色的天空中挂很多奇妙的东西。 |
There are many wrong notions about forex exchange reserves.
关于外汇储备,存在着许多错误的想法。 |
There are many young girls just dreamed of becoming a model.
许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。 |
There are many “little thing”needed to win the game.Like makin the pass to an open teammate.
要赢得比赛需要做到很多”小节”,比如传球个没人防的队友。 |
There are many, I think, for example, about Maldini, Shevchenko, Del Piero. All very good and serious professionals who give a positive image to our sport.
佐拉:有很多,很伤脑筋,举个例子,马尔蒂尼,舍甫琴科,皮耶罗。他们都非常优秀,是职业典范,给我们这项运动带来了积极的影响。 |
There are many, many different attractions: culture, leisure, monuments, our architectures, and the gastronomy.
它有很多不同的引人之处:文化,休闲,纪念碑,建筑,还有烹调。 |
There are many, many intriguing feats in between!
其中有许多、许多迷人的壮举! |