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One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, “You're Plumb!

One day, they go to the riverside bowel movement, later had discovered actually forgets the belt cogon grass paper. How manages? 有一天,他们去河边大便,完了以后却发现忘带茅纸.怎么办呢?
One day, they had a big flight. 有一天,他们起了严重的争执。
One day, they may be tested. 总有一天,这些都将得到验证。
One day, we ran ourselves ragged in central London, shuffling through Tate Modern and then the Aquarium. 一天,我们到市中心游览了泰特现代艺术馆和水族馆,玩得精疲力竭。
One day, wearing KNIE baboosh that is suppose to be tortious,riding a bicycle that is full of rust, i floundered along the ZHONGHUANGXI road with elegance. 某日,我穿着有侵权嫌疑的KNIE拖鞋,骑着长着铁锈的自行车,很优闲的辗转在中环西路上.
One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, “You're Plumb! 有一天,当普拉姆和他的妻子在一家餐馆用餐时,另一张桌子的一个人走过来对他说:“你是普拉姆吧?
One day, when we were having a math exam, I heard Wang Ping who was behind me asking me for the key to a problem. 一天,当我们乒在进行数学考试时,我.听见后边的王平跟我要一道题的答案。
One day, while Sue was cleaning under the bed, she found a small box. 一天,苏在打扫床底下的时候,发现了一个小盒子。
One day, while he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer cut him down with the sword, and they escaped to the land of Ararat. 38一日在他的神,尼斯洛庙里叩拜,他儿子亚得米勒,和沙利色,用刀杀了他,就逃到亚拉腊地。
One day, while sitting outside in his lawn chair, Larry had his eureka moment. 一天,当拉里坐在屋外的折椅上时,突然灵机一动。
One day, while trying to 1)eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. 有一天,他正在地里干活为家人谋生计,突然听见附近沼泽地里传来了呼救声。

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