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It might be a hat from above.

It might also pay a small percentage of its value, a dividend, one or more times a year. 股票在一年中可能一次或者多次派发其价值的一小部分:即股份红利。
It might be a flat tire that puts you there, but you'll undoubtedly end up in the right place at the right time. 可能是因为太泄气了导致这样,但你一定可以在适当的时候了结这种状况。
It might be a good idea to celebrate Christmas with friends. 与朋友共度圣诞节倒是个好主意。
It might be a good idea to hold your breath. 屏着呼吸可能是个好主意。
It might be a good idea to take some of the work off his hands. 替他分担一些工作,这或许是个好主意。
It might be a hat from above. 它可能是个从上面看的帽子。
It might be another cub stealing up behind, or just a butterfly passing by on the breeze. 可能是紧随其后的另外幼崽,抑或只是微风中飞过的一只蝴蝶。
It might be argued that, in this story, it is a religious belief in an afterlife that supports the main character. 可能会有另一种看法认为,在这个故事中,支撑主角的是一种认为有往生世界的宗教信念。
It might be for PepsiCo, which also makes snacks, but PepsiCo has had its fingers burnt once already by Danone. 它可能是针对也经营快餐的可口可乐,但是可口可乐曾经和达能激烈竞争过。
It might be good if we seek for a balance between them. 难道我们就不能在现代化与历史保护之间找到一个平衡点吗?
It might be impolitic to refuse his offer. 谢绝他的好意未免失策.

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