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Since he became manager, the company has been running in the black.

Since global warming received its Hollywood makeover, such talk has stirred up controversy in scientific circles. 自从全球变暖经过好莱坞电影翻新再现,天气这个话题引起了科学界的争议。
Since grafting reduces maturing age, it should be tried. 既然嫁接能缩短成熟期,就应当试一试。
Since gravity holds you down all your life that might sound strange, but it's true on a microscopic level. 如果说引力在你的生活中都是拉后腿的可能有些奇怪,但微观上看确实如此。
Since groundwater resources occurs in an aquifer system as a constituting part, their evaluation should be carried out within the whole aquifer system or a hydrologic system, not within individual aquifers. 地下水资源发育的系统性,要求以含水系统或水文系统、而不是以含水层为单元进行地下水资源评价。
Since has entered for the 21st century, the basic unit government information took the third level the information, involves the more basic units government administration way, the content and the method electron, the networkand the modernization, the dev 进入21世纪以来,基层政府信息化作为第三层次的信息化,涉及更多基层政府行政管理方式,内容和手段的电子化,网络化和现代化,发展的机遇与挑战并存。
Since he became manager, the company has been running in the black. (自从他任经理以来,公司就一直赢利。)
Since he can play many musical instruments, he may well be called a man of accomplishments. 他能演奏许多乐器,当然称得上是个多才多艺的人。
Since he can't win the race, he may as well quit. 既然他不能赢得比赛,倒不如退出。
Since he didn't switch off the machine before taking this action, the glass safety protection cover wasn't open as normal so as he reached he failed to watch out the air cylinder's running status while doing this operation, and just at this moment, a bloc 因为他没有关掉电源就进行了此操作,玻璃安全保护罩并没有像以往那样打开,所以操作中他并没有看到气压缸运行状态,就在这个时候,螺丝的上边的一块以45度角斜切下来,切到他右手小指的指尖,结果指尖部分的肉被切掉。
Since he doesn't understand that women keep score differently, he naturally focuses his energies into one or two big gifts. 不管爱的礼物是大是小,女人只记一分,每样礼物的价值都相等。
Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge, terrified of recapture. 汤姆越狱後, 时时如惊弓之鸟, 生怕再次被捕.

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