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Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul.

Nevertheless in like manner these dreamers also defile the flesh and despise lordship and revile dignities. 8然而,这些作梦的人,还是照样玷污肉体,轻慢主治者,毁谤在尊位的。
Nevertheless it is tiring to take care of the flowers all day, no matter how admirable he is. Now he walks on the road, thirsty and unpleasant. 可是再了不起,一天照顾花这样下来,他还是很累。他走在路上,觉得口乾舌燥,十分难过。
Nevertheless mine eye spared them from destroying them, neither did I make an end of them in the wilderness. 17虽然如此,我眼仍顾惜他们,不毁灭他们,不在旷野将他们灭绝净尽。
Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. 33只是我必不将我的慈爱,全然收回,也必不叫我的信实废弃。
Nevertheless sales there passed the three million mark. 尽管如此,东京呼拉圈的销售量还是超过了三百万个。
Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul. 徒27:11但百夫长信从掌船的和船主、不信从保罗所说的。
Nevertheless the certification/registration process will only be applicable to the environmental management system aspects. 不过,根据本标准所进行的验证/登录过程,将仅应用至环境管理系统的考量面。
Nevertheless the full understanding of Fe Fee Zhu Slut demands to read Qu Yuan's works. “发愤著书”说是司马迁最重要的文学思想,只有联系屈原屈作,才能全面理解“发愤著书”说的丰富内涵与深层意蕴。
Nevertheless the idea of throwing out the nation's dictator and instituting reform was one that attracted many officials in Nanking as well as members of the American embassy and the American State Department from the second year of the war right up until 尽管如此从内战的第二年起,到蒋介石下野离开南京的那天为止,许多南京政府官员,以至美国驻华使馆官员和美国国务院的官员,未尝不想踢开中国的这位独裁者,实行改革。
Nevertheless the market presents many contradictions. 然而在市场上呈现出许多矛盾。
Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them. 13然而那些人竭力荡桨,要把船拢岸,却是不能。因为海浪越发向他们翻腾。

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