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The love that have ever had a sincerity puts in my in front, I cherished thoroughly.

The love of justice be, in most men, nothing more than the fear of suffering injustice. 爱护主义,对大部分人来说,只不过是害怕不公正所苦罢了。
The love of their country is with them only a mode of flattering its master; as soon as they think that master can no longer hear, they speak of everything with a frankness which is the more startling because those who listen to it become responsible. 对他们来说,爱国不过是谄媚统治者的一种方式;只要他们认为统治者再也听不到,他们所说的一切马上就惊人地诚恳,因为那些听他们说话的人是可靠的。
The love past ever you seek after Stubbornly , in fact ,It has been far from each other. Your emotion is decided by your selection. 固执的追寻过去的爱情,其实彼此早已相去甚远,你的选择决定着你的情感。
The love scenes in the play were a bit overdone. 剧中的情爱场面演得有点过火了。
The love story of the film star was splashed over the front page. 这位电影明星的爱情故事登在第一版显著的位置上。
The love that have ever had a sincerity puts in my in front, I cherished thoroughly. 曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我的面前,我没有好好的珍惜。
The love that's too violent will not last long. 太猛烈的爱不长入久。
The love we are faced with may not be what we have long quested for; the life we are leading may deviate from what we have yearned for; similarly, our inward duty may be in disagreement with our outward action. 我们所面对的爱情可能并非我们的真爱,我们现在所处的生活可能并非我们所期望的生活,我们内心的责任可能与我们外在的表现是非统一的。
The love we give away is the only love we keep. 我们付出的爱是我们唯一长久拥有的爱。
The love we give away os the only love we keep. 我们付出的爱是我们唯一能长久拥有的爱。
The love we share.Seems 2 go nowhere. 我们共有的爱走投无路。

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