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AUR Gallery was founded in the year 2000 in Shanghai.

ATTORNEYS shall send to CLIENT periodic statements for fees and costs incurred. 代理人应该定期向委托人提供案件的费用情况。
ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes. 显示或更改文件属性。
ATV will offer real live broadcast matches and highlights for soccer fans to enjoy at home. 亚洲电视将作现场直播及作精华介绍。
AUCTIONEER, n. The man who proclaims with a hammer that he has picked a pocket with his tongue. 拍卖师:名词,用锤子声明他用舌头偷东西了的人。
AUG.29,We take the train and underground to the central area of Fukuoka. 8月29日,我们乘坐火车和地铁前往福冈的中心地区。
AUR Gallery was founded in the year 2000 in Shanghai. 2000年亦安画廊创办于上海。
AURORA : At least you found the great love of your life. 奥柔拉:至少你生命中找到了挚爱。
AURORA : Careful, Garrett. Your soul is showing. I only want to feel that I have done something. 奥柔拉:当心,盖瑞,你又在卖弄了。我想有曾完成过什么的感觉。
AURORA : Never allow disappointment, Mel. Disappointment ruins more lives than all the diseases known to man. Now get back in the saddle again, honey. 奥柔拉:绝不可以绝望,玛莲。绝望比所有疾病害更多人命。现在搭第一班飞机回来。
AURORA : That's so easy for you to say. You've done so many wonderful, monumental things. You've walked on the Moon. 奥柔拉:你说得倒容易,你做了那么多美好伟大的事,你曾去过月球。
AURORA : Well, the love that I felt and the love that they felt somehow didn't coincide. Yet I'm still looking. 奥柔拉:我感受到的爱和别人不尽相同,但我仍在寻找。

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