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If the ship tips and you trip you might slip off the ship.

If the share is at its face value it is said to be at par. 如果股票的市价与面值相等则称为持平。
If the shareholders' committee or the board of directors, in violation of the previous Paragraph, distributes profit to the shareholders before covering company losses and making allocation to company statutory reserve fund and statutory welfare fund, 股东会或者董事会违反前款规定,在公司弥补亏损和提取法定公积金、法定公益金之前向股东分配利润的,必须将违反规定分配的利润退还公司。
If the sheets aren't aired properly, they won't be dry; put them in the airing cupboard. 被单晒得不够是不会干的。把它们放在烘衣柜里吧。
If the ship encountered wind force eight, it should make for port. 如果船遇到8级大风,就应当返回港口。
If the ship had left at noon, it would be passing through the canal now. 船要是在中午启航的话,此刻该在通过隧道了。
If the ship tips and you trip you might slip off the ship. 如果船倾斜并且你被绊倒了,你可能会滑出船。
If the shipment of the contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or in part by reason of war,earthquake,fire,flood,heavy snow,storm or other causes of Force Majeure,the Sellers shall not be liable for nonshipment or late shipment of the goods of t 例如:“如因战争、地震、火灾、雪灾、暴风雨或其它不可抗力事故,致使卖方不能全部或部分装运或延迟装运合同货物,卖方对于这种不能装运或延迟装运本合同货物不负有责任。”
If the ships have high enough engines they may escape the nova blast. 如果那些战船有高级装备引擎;它们或许能逃过这个新星爆炸。
If the shock absorbers are in good shape, the car should rebound just once or twice and not keep bouncing up and down. 如果减震状况良好,汽车应该只是弹回一次或两次,就不再继续上下地反弹了。
If the shock position cannot be used, a warm covering helps to counteract the effect of shock. 如果无法让伤者采取休克时的姿势躺下,可以通过保温来减轻疼痛。
If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承认吧。

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