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Canadian Prescription Drug Re-Importation: Is There a Safety Issue?

Canadian Business. 加拿大商业》刊载加拿大金融、贸易,以及工商企业经营与商业教育等方面的综述文章和消息报道。
Canadian Constitution is the system of laws and conventions by which our country governs itself. 加拿大宪法是一个法律及公约制度,以此来治理加国。
Canadian Consul General Mr. Zhang Anlong came to visit Gemsy on Mar. 29th , who was received by Board Chair Mr. Ruan Xiaoming and General Manager Zhou Yunzhi. 3月29日,加拿大副总领事张安隆(右三)一行在台州市外事办杨华金处长陪同下来访宝石,董事长阮小明(右二)、总经理周云志(右一)等接待,并在宝石多功能厅与员工一起合影,欢唱《宝石之歌》。
Canadian English has always remained very like American English,and the influence of the Indian and Inuit languages was no greater than the influence of French. 加拿大英语总是很像美国英语,印第安人和因纽特人的语言对加拿大英语的影响跟法语对其影响一样小。
Canadian English is music to my ears, not like American English. 加拿大英语在我的耳朵听来是音乐,不像美国英语。
Canadian Prescription Drug Re-Importation: Is There a Safety Issue? 加拿大处方药再进口:有安全问题吗?
Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has swept to victory in a federal election called ahead of time, but results still coming in on Tuesday showed a clean split between the Liberal east of the country and the conservative stronghold in the west. 加拿大总理克瑞强在提前举行的国会大选中大获全胜。周二计票结果显示,各党在不同地区的得票率有明显区别,自由党掌有大部分的东部得票率,而保守党则是西部。
Canadian art, contemporary art, Amerindian art, and decorative arts. 收藏加拿大艺术、当代艺术、印第安人艺术和装饰艺术。
Canadian companies continue to grow on external markets. 加拿大公司继续在海外人才市场上拓展。
Canadian farmers, in particular, have described GM canola escaping from farm fields and invading wheat crops like a weed. 然而令人忧心的耳语已经出现,尤其是加拿大农人,他们说基改油菜已经溜出农田,如野草般侵入小麦田。
Canadian labour legislation also provides for the certification of trade unions as bargaining agents, compulsory collective bargaining, compulsory postponement of strikes and lockouts during the bargaining process, government intervention by way of a conc 我的翻译为:加拿大劳工法规同样也规定了工会做为协议机构的证明,规定了义务集体协商、义务延缓罢工或停工、当各方不能达成集体协议时政府通过安抚进行的干预、雇员罢工的权利、雇主停工的权利。

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